FREE LIVE EVENT STARTS March 16th from 10am CST - 1pm CT (3 hours)
It took me 8 years to get 175,000 Instagram followers. 
It Only took me 3 years To Grow to 1,000,000 followers On tikTok!
*How to dominate TikTok and get more leads*

Something is broken in social media marketing…

Organic reach on social media is at an all-time low.

Paid advertising has grown to record high costs.

So how are business owners supposed to grow their business when they’re getting squeezed on all sides?

They tell you to create more content - but you post to crickets!

They tell you to build your list - but nothing is getting traction!

They tell you to give value - but to WHO?! No one is listening!

Something is broken in social media marketing…

Organic reach on social media is at an all-time low.

Paid advertising has grown to record high costs.

So how are business owners supposed to grow their business when they’re getting squeezed on all sides?

They tell you to create more content - but you post to crickets!

They tell you to build your list - but nothing is getting traction!

They tell you to give value - but to WHO?! No one is listening!

If only there were a new platform that changed the entire game… And DISRUPTED social media marketing forever…

Oh wait… There is a platform that did that.

And it’s changing the game for business owners globally.

I know that for me, this new platform has allowed me to generate over 51,376 leads FOR FREE.

That platform is TikTok, and I can create content that generates leads while I sleep.

But back to the current situation - back to your business growth.

The options on the market are getting more and more bleak…

Option 1: get on the content creation hamster wheel, and pray you go viral.

Option 2: increase ad spend and hope you breakeven quickly.

Option 3: Apply for Shark Tank.


What if there were another option…

That was FREE…

Allowed you to reach more people from day 1…

AND you could even go mini-viral (multiple times, even!!!)...

Hi, I’m Rachel Pedersen. I’m a Minnesota based mom of 3 with two businesses.

It took me 8 years to get 175,000 Instagram followers. In 3 years on TikTok, I grew to 1,000,000 followers.

I used to be THRILLED to reach 10,000 people in a month.

Today I reach 10,000 people in an hour with TikTok.

Rachel Pedersen

Rachel Pedersen

We had been building our businesses with all the conventional advice… Spending $30-45k per month on Facebook Ads.

Our lead gen was directly tied to our ad spend, and we could turn it up or turn it down.

Until one day I woke up with an email that was going to change my life forever.


“What?!” I screamed out loud… “This has to be a prank!”

I was convinced it was a big mistake… Facebook would need to reverse it for me immediately.

That is NOT what happened.

(My ad account was banned for 5 long months, but I had no way of knowing that!)

I just knew I had to get creative while Facebook reversed the decision.

So I started quickly recording YouTube videos, going live on Facebook, prospecting on LinkedIn, posting more, more, MORE.

At first, it looked like it was working…

But like most things, I experienced a phenomenon called “diminishing returns”...

Each time I posted, it got LESS and LESS traction. Soon, I felt like I was starting from SCRATCH.

Our leads and growth were drying up faster than I could get 1/10th the traction I previously had.

But things were about to get WORSE.

It turns out, someone at Facebook had falsely flagged my account - marking me down as a terrorist.

I got the lifetime Facebook ban.

Ouch. I Googled resources and tutorials. Turns out there is NO coming back from this lifetime ban.

At this point, I wanted someone to come and save me… Was Shark Tank actually a viable option?

(Yes, I actually applied for Shark Tank at this low point)

*Breakthrough comes in the Bahamas*

I learned about TikTok on a dare from my friend Annie Grace.

We were in the Bahamas, and she kept recording these dancing videos… I asked her what she was doing, and she looked at me and said “Girl, haven’t you heard of TikTok?! It’d be perfect for you!”

So I recorded my first TikTok video in the Bahamas.

When I got home, I started looking for resources on how to use TikTok for business.

Turns out, I was gonna have to figure this out myself.

So I started posting videos daily…

With 60 followers, each video was reaching 100-300 people. Not too shabby!

Other entrepreneurs and business owners were making fun of me, asking questions like “How’s your little TikTok thing going?!”

I just had this gut feeling though, that I couldn’t shake.

THEN one late night, I posted a video that seemed average, just like the rest of the TikTok videos I was creating every day.

The next morning I woke up to over 9000 views.

What?! That was more than I was reaching per month on Instagram at my low point!!!
And I woke up to almost 300 followers - WHAT?!

But wait, could I do it again???

I posted a few more videos - and this time they all got 300-500 views (score! Growth again!).

And then I posted a video that I didn’t think too much about.

Over the next week that video was seen by over 50,000 people on TikTok.

I had figured out the sweet spot between business and TikTok…

I decided to test out a combination of old school marketing (direct response) and new gen marketing (content marketing) to do something no one else was doing on TikTok.

Video after video continued to grow my reach, grow my followers, and go viral over and over.

By the end of July I had 5650 followers on TikTok.

I decided to follow my system every day for 60 days - and tracked all my stats day by day.

By the end of my 60 day experiment, I had reached 12,400 followers and was reaching hundreds of thousands of people each and every month.

The word spread about how I was using TikTok to grow my business. Especially since I had recently cracked the code on lead gen using TikTok.

I was invited to speak at several of the TOP conferences in the marketing space, including Traffic & Conversion, Funnel Hacking Live, and Social Media Marketing World.

Podcasts were reaching out to me! They wanted me to share what I had figured out.

And American Express hired me for their business campaign with Square.

The word spread about how I was using TikTok to grow my business. Especially since I had recently cracked the code on lead gen using TikTok.

I was invited to speak at several of the TOP conferences in the marketing space, including Traffic & Conversion, Funnel Hacking Live, and Social Media Marketing World.

Podcasts were reaching out to me! They wanted me to share what I had figured out.

And American Express hired me for their business campaign with Square.

Things were getting pretty busy at this point… I was consulting on TikTok for clients, speaking on TikTok, all while growing my TikTok.

I even grew by 15,000 followers in one night!

We were reaching 1,000,000+ views per day, and even had a 3,000,000 view DAY!!!

Oh, and trying to be an amazing mother and wife too 😅

Inquiries were coming in faster than I could even respond.

People were begging me to help them.

I knew I had to create a way to help MORE businesses crush it with this powerful system I created.

So I created a program called The Tok Academy. No, I’m not going to sell it here :]

Tok Academy beta users accounts started growing, so I knew we were on to something BIG that could serve more people.

*Here's what My Tok Academy Students Have to say*

Now, here’s where this gets interesting!

I wanted to find a way to help ALL business owners to crush it on TikTok.
So we decided to host this event in a SUPER accessible way.
Here’s my offer today: FULL 1 day TikTok Intensive Event FOR FREE!
I'll Be Sharing:

  • [LIVE TRAINING] How to create a strategic piece of content in 60 seconds that can reach MILLIONS on multiple platforms
  • [LIVE TRAINING] How one 15 second video brought us nearly 1,000,000 views (and only took us 5 minutes to create and reuse on multiple platforms)
  • [LIVE TRAINING] How to tap into the content platforms want to reach MILLIONS (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are BEGGING and PAYING for this content from you all from creating 1 TikTok video)
  • ​The researched hooks that can support your growth and views
  • ​Best practices for TikTok hashtags to reach your ideal audience every time
  • ​Templates, swipes, cheat sheets, case studies, examples, and a comprehensive workbook to support you WINNING faster with TikTok
  • ​Workshops to implement in real time
  • ​A surprise TikTok guest speaker or two

I know, I know, I Should Be Charging For This Event… But I wanted to make this accessible to anyone who needs it. I am going to show up at 120% and give you my all.

I won’t make money from hosting this event, I just want to support your growth.

My team thinks I’m crazy for allowing People To Join For FREE - but I trust you’ll learn, grow, and show us how valuable this 1 day event is!

You can try to figure out social media marketing for your business yourself…

But it’s NOT getting easier.. And all the algorithms are changing to keep up with TikTok.
You might spend $1000s trying to buy the secret system.
You might spend 1000s of hours trying to crack the code.
You might spend $10,000s hiring experts and consultants to get something to stick.

Here’s what you’re going to get: 

  • [LIVE TRAINING] How to combine direct response marketing and content marketing to create content on TikTok that generates RESULTS
  • ​[LIVE TRAINING] How to create a strategic piece of content in 60 seconds that can reach MILLIONS on multiple platforms 
  • [LIVE TRAINING] How one 15 second video brought us nearly 1,000,000 views (and only took us 5 minutes to create and reuse on multiple platforms)
  • [LIVE TRAINING] How to tap into the content platforms want to reach MILLIONS (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are BEGGING and PAYING for this content from you all from creating 1 TikTok video) 
  • ​The researched hooks that can support your growth and views 
  • ​Best practices for TikTok hashtags to reach your ideal audience every time 
  • ​Templates, swipes, cheat sheets, case studies, examples, and a comprehensive workbook to support you WINNING faster with TikTok 
  • ​Workshops to implement in real time 
  • ​A surprise TikTok guest speaker or two 

TikTok Intensive: How to get your first 1000 raving fans

So we are at a crossroads… Invest what you can and TRUST that I’ll give you the start you need to get your first 1000 raving fans on TikTok.
Or figure it all out on your own (in your free time, right?)

I could keep trying to make this offer juicier, but I already know it’s going to impact your business and your life.
So you’re invited to RSVP your spot and join us live at this 1 day intensive!

My guarantee is this: You’ll get everything I’ve already listed AND MORE (overdelivering is my style, I’ll do it at this one day event!).

I’ll show up and give you 120%.
I can guarantee that if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting the results you’ve always gotten.
I also can guarantee that in order to get something new, you’ll need to try something new.

So here’s how to join

  • Click The Button Below
  • That Will Show You A Pop Up
  • Enter Your Details
  • ​Hit Confirm
  • ​On The Thank You Page, You’ll See All The Details
  • ​The Details Will Also Be In Your Email In 5 minutes For The Details And Confirmation
  • ​Join the TikTok Intensive FB community
  • ​Mark Your Calendars
  • ​Complete The Pre-Intensive Homework
  • ​Join us LIVE on March 16th from 10am CST - 1pm CT (3 hours)!
  • ​If you need anything, email my team: and they’ll make sure you get what you need!

Just think, 90 days from now, TikTok could be your GREATEST traffic and lead driver - with opportunities pouring in.

Or…. You could wait another year or two - and I’ll keep growing (plus you’ll have to watch everyone who attended the live event growing).

What if this time you could be a part of the early adopter crowd and come crush it on TikTok with us!

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